Yet Another Photo Sharing Site

While waiting for the noon hour to be able to complete a class assignment, I thought I’d drop a quick post as I once again try to keep up with regular blog updates.

Not too long ago, I came across a photo sharing site called YouPic. I don’t recall exactly how I found it, but it may have been while I was searching for online photography courses. At the time, I created an account, but left it unattended for months while I debated with myself whether the cost of becoming a “premium” member was worth getting access to the site’s myriad courses.

Well, earlier this week, after receiving from the site a discount code, I pulled out my credit card and made the leap. And so far, I’m reasonably happy with the decision. YouPic’s wide array of courses I think will be useful and the available interaction with other photographers who can rate photos you’ve uploaded based on “composition,” “creativity,” “technical quality,” and “content.” So far, none of the five, or so, pictures I’ve uploaded have been rated, but I’m hopeful they will be eventually.

I’m trying to make the site a place to improve my skills, but also using it (ideally) as a spur to get me to take more pictures.

So, I will hopefully be uploading pictures to YouPic on a fairly regular basis. But unlike my Flickr account, which I basically use as a large repository, my YouPic account will be much more curated. Only selected pictures I particularly like (and are “artsy”) will be shared there.

I’ve already linked it to my Facebook account, so you may have seen some of them already, but if you’re interested check out my page at:

I believe the public can view the pictures without an account.

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