a dream to remind me

it seems the only dreams i remember these days are the ones that wake me in the middle of the night, the ones that seems just a bit too real.

and i had one of those dreams last night.

while my waking hours today have faded the images of the surreal events, bits remain, as does a general confusion and frustration….  dreams, so i’ve been told, are a function of the brain working out recent events and troubles.  i don’t know whether or not that’s true, but i can tell you that this dream did little for me with regard to working out my shit, as it were.  in fact, upon waking i am now more confused, stumped, and frustrated than i was yesterday.  what the hell?

on the other hand, i did wake with a greater sense of determination (if only just a bit greater) to do what seems necessary, even if it’s predetermined that i fail.  i’m used to it, though i’ll admit to a recent greater appreciation for the notion that the journey is more important than the destination (or however the saying goes) and as such am less deterred by the likelihood of failure.  yeah, so maybe the dream was helpful.

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