
As promised, I’m back with another Music Monday lip sync video.

Harvey Danger is an alternative rock band I know from the late 90’s. Maybe you remember them, maybe you don’t. Or maybe you’re too young to know them at all (sad). The song, Flagpole Sitta is their one and only hit.

I’ve always liked this song, with its fun hook and amusing lyrics. Hopefully you’ll enjoy it too. Or at least enjoy watching me lip sync it.

Happy Monday!

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While waiting for the noon hour to be able to complete a class assignment, I thought I’d drop a quick post as I once again try to keep up with regular blog updates.

Not too long ago, I came across a photo sharing site called YouPic. I don’t recall exactly how I found it, but it may have been while I was searching for online photography courses. At the time, I created an account, but left it unattended for months while I debated with myself whether the cost of becoming a “premium” member was worth getting access to the site’s myriad courses.

Well, earlier this week, after receiving from the site a discount code, I pulled out my credit card and made the leap. And so far, I’m reasonably happy with the decision. YouPic’s wide array of courses I think will be useful and the available interaction with other photographers who can rate photos you’ve uploaded based on “composition,” “creativity,” “technical quality,” and “content.” So far, none of the five, or so, pictures I’ve uploaded have been rated, but I’m hopeful they will be eventually.

I’m trying to make the site a place to improve my skills, but also using it (ideally) as a spur to get me to take more pictures.

So, I will hopefully be uploading pictures to YouPic on a fairly regular basis. But unlike my Flickr account, which I basically use as a large repository, my YouPic account will be much more curated. Only selected pictures I particularly like (and are “artsy”) will be shared there.

I’ve already linked it to my Facebook account, so you may have seen some of them already, but if you’re interested check out my page at:

I believe the public can view the pictures without an account.

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Six years ago today, I was lucky to witness first hand the four years of work come to fruition with the signing of Senate Bill 232 as Act 1 of 2011. Civil Unions had become the law in Hawaii.


At the time, I was unemployed, but volunteering in Governor Abercrombie’s Policy Office, so I was able to attend the signing ceremony at Washington Place as Part of the Governor’s Office. I didn’t have to scramble for a ticket and was able to witness history without depriving someone else the opportunity.

It was a proud day for me and for so many others who had worked so hard to get to that point. There aren’t many things in my life of which I am more proud to have been a part.

Of course, a little less than three years later, marriage equality would become law. I was lucky to have been in attendance for that signing ceremony as well, but that’s for another time.

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There’s a part of me that doesn’t like being busy. When I am, like over the last several weeks, it disrupts an otherwise stable routine. I’m also far more likely to use any downtime to do… well, nothing. So exercise doesn’t really happen and I’m less likely to put effort into eating well.

On the other hand, when I do have downtime I get twitchy. My thoughts become more detached and I have a more difficult time getting and staying motivated. My brain struggles to focus. For me, boredom leads to an increased likelihood that I’ll spend money on (arguably unnecessary) gadgets. Boredom leads to laziness (which also makes exercising a challenge), and depression.

At least partially, my dysthymia has always been tied to my level of productivity; I always feel better when I’m productive. Though I’ve been really busy, a bit stressed, and very tired since I started school, I’ve also felt positive, upbeat.

As you may have noticed, I haven’t posted here anything regularly since starting school in mid-January. But my first class is nearly at an end and I’m finding I have a bit less strain on my time. And though part of me is pleased to have a bit more time to breathe, I’m now struggling a bit to find tasks to keep me focused.

Earlier today, when I thought it a good idea to sit and write something, my mind was blank. There was no topic that sprang to mind which spurred me to write. Forcing myself to do the work of a post, this is the topic I settled on.

Ultimately, I’m a strong proponent of having some down time at least once a week. The ongoing problem for me is finding a balance. I don’t mind too much being really busy. If I could better manage my time, though, I’d be able to be more consistently productive.

It’s all a work in progress, but as part of my efforts to find balance, I’ve prerecorded two “Music Monday” videos. Hopefully, I will at least be able to post those once a week going forward.

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