
I don’t get sick very often. Colds and the flu rarely affect me. It seems, now, that I’ve been afflicted with something a bit more serious and chronic. I’m posting about this now because this illness has caused me to be absent in my usual circles over the last several weeks and months and as that absence has become conspicuous; people are starting to ask questions. I’ve avoided saying anything publicly or broadcasting en masse my situation because I don’t really like pity, but I know some are concerned and so I’m taking this opportunity to set the record straight.

The first symptoms appeared around the end of of August; stomach cramps and constipation. After a couple of weeks without any relief, and because I don’t have any health insurance, I went to see a doctor at the Waikiki Health Center, who prescribed some medication which eventually helped a bit, but didn’t eliminate the symptoms altogether. As time went on without any real relief, the doctor there finally insisted on a CT scan, as there was no way to proceed without taking a look at what might be going on.

The scan showed some inflammation, an abscess, and other things that could be ulcers or tumors. Crohn’s Disease was the primary suggested diagnosis. From here there was little the good people at the Waikiki Health Center could do but give me a list of Gastroenterologists to see. I found one, set an appointment and could do nothing else but wait; it was the beginning of October, but my appointment wasn’t until the 5th of November.

As the 5th approached, I started to have some urinary problems, which suggested an infection. For better or worse, though, tests performed at the clinic were all negative: no infection, normal thyroid and kidney function. The thought was that the colon inflammation was putting pressure on my bladder causing symptoms similar to a UTI (urinary tract infection). By then, my pain levels had risen and though its hard to tell if the pain is a result the abscess or urinary complications, the doctor at the Waikiki Health Center agreed to write me a prescription for low dose vicodin.

On November 5th, the Gastroenterologist said the indications were strong for a diagnosis of Crohn’s Disease and wanted to perform a colonoscopy to confirm and to get a look at the abscess in my colon. He prescribed a couple of different antibiotics and scheduled the colonoscopy. Less than a week later, I awoke following the procedure to learn from the doctor that the inflammation was too much to finish and referred my case to a surgeon to address the abscess.

This brings me to today. Over the previous few weeks, I’ve spent most of my time lying down resting and avoiding pain as much as possible. Another result of all this has been a significantly suppressed appetite, which has caused me to lose significant weight since the first symptoms presented themselves: approximately 30 pounds in all. While there are no other physical symptoms of what I’ve been dealing with, those of you who haven’t seen me in the last month, or two, will immediately notice the weight difference.

Tomorrow I meet with the surgeon, I imagine to discuss the procedure to address the abscess and schedule the procedure. Once the abscess has been taken care of, the underlying cause, the Crohn’s can be addressed. Additional medication and treatment will almost certainly be required, but I suspect I’ll feel better once the abscess is gone. My hope is to be largely back to normal by the end of the year, but at this point its hard to say exactly when I’ll get my life back.

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2 Comments, RSS

  1. Fran Orian

    Josh, I’m so sorry to hear all this but am truly glad that you got some medical care and at least found out what has been wrong and making you so ill. Good luck with your surgery and will be sending you all good wishes for recovery.


  2. Laurie

    I think that I prefer the story I had in rolling around my head for you. You were on some big adventure, in some exotic place.

    I guess that’s true too.

    Will check back in to see what is needed or wanted. Aloha Josh, thanks for telling us what’s up.

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