
if you aren’t already aware, i have a tendency to talk to myself. and not just in my head like jd from scrubs. i actually speak out loud to myself. usually i don’t do this when there are people around, strangers or otherwise, though its been known to happen. essentially i’m just talking thinking out loud, but in a conversational style.

i’ve also a tendency, though with less frequency, to sing quietly to myself if i’ve got a particular song in my head. sometimes i don’t even realize i’m doing it, especially if i’m concentrating on something else. like ordering dinner.

this was the case a few weeks ago, when i walked into a restaurant to pick up something to eat. i don’t remember now what it was that i was singing and at the time i wasn’t really aware that i was even doing it, because when i was approached by a guy also waiting to pick up his meal, i was both startled and confused.

he asked me if i’ve ever sung before, which elicited from me a strange look, i’m sure. i told him no, but he pressed me again. i told him i really only sing in the car. he then asked me if i’ve ever thought about singing in a choir. i said no, i hadn’t. then he handed me a card invitation to join the sounds of aloha chorus, said that i should check it out, then took his dinner and left.

initially, i dismissed it out of hand, if only because the whole conversation was a bit surreal for me. since then, however, i’ve given it some thought. it could be interesting. i do like to sing, though not usually when other people are around. i’m not sure i can make the commitment they require to be a member, given many of my thursday evenings (they meet every thursday) are often booked by political-type meetings.

in looking at their site, its a pretty serious deal. they recommend attending a few meetings/rehearsals before making applying. i’d have to audition, which might be more stress than its worth. i’ve never auditioned for anything in my life, though i can’t help but admit a bit of curiosity as to whether they’d think i’m any good or not. on the other hand, there’s the $140 membership fee that might make me think twice.

still, i think its worth checking out and will most likely attend their next meeting/rehearsal tomorrow evening. i’ll let you know how it goes.

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